
Kunzite is a beautiful crystal, pure in energy and joyful in nature. Kunzite stone are strong healing crystals for the emotions, and create loving relationships, as your life fills with love on all levels.
Kunzite stone has strong metaphysical properties that aid you to lift your mood and to help you to heal emotional problems, such as anxiety and stress. Its vibration helps you to heal emotional problems as you release negative feelings and relieve panic and fear.
Kunzite encourages one to release walls built around the heart for protection, and to be receptive to the experience of unconditional and abundant love.
Kunzite forms naturally as colorless, pink,yellow and green crystals, Kunzite helps to relieve heartache over loss or separation, and in overcoming heartbreak after a relationship has broken down.
Kunzite Stone energies will bring you great empathy for the people surrounding you. Kunzite also has the ability to connect your heart to your mind and bring greater harmony into your life.
Kunzite will also restore your trust in yourself and others. All the bad experiences that you have gone through will only make you better in time